CLARITY platform to support the Universal Design for Learning

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) recognizes that every learner is unique and processes information differently. UDL is based on CAST’s research related to three primary brain networks [recognition network (What), strategic network (How), and affective network (Why)] and the roles they play in understanding these differences. UDL provides a conceptual framework to create and “manually” implement lessons with flexible goals, methods, materials, and assessments that support learning for all students.

Our CLARITY authoring tool (developed independently) includes three panes for systems specification of a Learning Activity: Objectives, Tasks/Performances, and Resources.

The Objectives pane reflects WHY aspect of an Activity and generally allows authors to define Learning Objectives, which can include affective Objectives of UDL, such as “engage”, “motivate”, …

The Task pane reflects HOW aspect of an Activity and generally allows defining Learning/Testing Tasks and their Expected Performances. It also allows defining UDL Tasks solving and planning.

The Resource pane reflects WHAT aspect of an Activity and generally allows authors to define/develop media/physical objects for presenting the Tasks to a learner, to be recognized and used during Task solving.

All three panes provide an author with functionality necessary for developing and associating sets of Objectives, Tasks, Performances and Resources within each Lesson, as well as their Alternatives necessary for adaptation to each particular learner.

To exclude (labor-consuming and error-prone) “manual” planning in UDL, CLARITY AI Tutoring Engine automatically plans, selects and presents each next Task/Resource to each particular learner based on her current profile updated after each interaction of the Engine with a learner.

Thus, CLARITY enforces UDL conceptual framework, clarifies and formalizes it for computerization, provides an Authoring Tool, excludes manual planning of personalized lessons, and automatically generates adaptive/intelligent tutoring of each particular learner. It opens new horizons for UDL scale-able online implementation.

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Permalink Reply by Richard Jackson on February 3, 2011 at 12:29pm

Without digital technology (media and tools), UDL is just a good idea. With technology, UDL becomes palpable, visible and REAL!



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